You can email us at :
Or leave your messages in the Guest Book for either
Stewards or Delegates
Or there is the forum,
a place to chill reflect on memories of old (and not so old), so keep
in touch with each other and much, much more!
If you would like to post
any items in to be included on the website please
email us
first and we'll give you an address to use, we will also do our best to
return them to you afterwards.
We would also love to start
a contacts list for all of those who have stewarded and would like to
stay in contact with other stewards and have misplaced the details somewhere
between site and home. If you would like to be included on such a list
to be held in either a public or members only part of this site please
email us with your details and we'll look at
putting on together as soon as possible.
Thanks for all of your support!!
The Website Team